Test anglais gratuit B2+

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Ce flash test d anglais correspond à un niveau B2+


Match the idioms to these definitions:Test d anglais

1. dog and pony show

2. a dark horse

3. back the wrong horse

4. pony up

5. horses for courses

6. straight from the horse’s mouth


____ an often elaborate public relations or sales presentation;a speech or other presentation that is often made

____ someone whose abilities are not known to other people

____ pay one’s debts

____ directly from an authoritative source

____ it is important to choose suitable people for specific activities as everybody has different abilities

____ support a person or thing that is not successful


Complete the following statements using the idioms above.

1. You voted for David, but John got the job so I think you ________________________.

2. Simon should win the sales competition, but I’d watch Susan – she’s very good. I think she’s a _______________________.

3. The bill comes to £100. It’s time to _____________________.

4. It’s the fifth time this week that I’ve given this presentation. Let’s get the ________________________ started.

5. The Chairman himself told me about the cuts so I got it ________________________.

6. Just because Tom is a good accountant doesn’t mean he’d be a good Financial Director. After all it’s ______________________________.


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A propos de l'auteur

Olivier Haquet
Olivier est le dirigeant et fondateur d'ADomLingua, société spécialisée dans le domaine des langues. Groupe fondé il y a 10 ans avec une orientation résolument qualitative et une offre en formation linguistique de plus en plus variée. Avant tout entrepreneur et de culture internationale, Olivier a, après un début de carrière aux USA , eté associé à différents projets et startups.

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