Test d anglais B2 – A study of threepart phrasal verbs ending with ‘with’

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Ce flash test d anglais correspond à un niveau B2+

What do you think these phrasal verbs that end with « with » mean?

Test d anglais

___ come up with

___ get away with

___ put up with

___ keep up with

___ come down with

___ go through with


Match them to the following definitions:

1 tolerate someone or something
2 complete something planned despite doubts about the outcome
3 think of something such as an idea or a plan
4 become sick with an illness
5 perform as well as; go as fast as; stay informed
6 escape the consequences of (a wrongful act)


Write responses to these sentences using the phrasal verbs above:

1 We have a big problem and we need to find a solution.
2 I can’t stand David as he’s so rude all the time.
3 I feel awful. I’ve got a headache and temperature.
4 When he lost his seat, the leader of the party regretted saying he would resign if he didn’t
win. But he kept his word and resigned anyway.
5 If we want to stay in the same position as our competitors, we’ll have to offer discounts.
6 Steven just copied an old report and changed the name, but nobody realised.



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A propos de l'auteur

Olivier Haquet
Olivier est le dirigeant et fondateur d'ADomLingua, société spécialisée dans le domaine des langues. Groupe fondé il y a 10 ans avec une orientation résolument qualitative et une offre en formation linguistique de plus en plus variée. Avant tout entrepreneur et de culture internationale, Olivier a, après un début de carrière aux USA , eté associé à différents projets et startups.

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