Test d anglais B1 – A study of laugh idioms

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Ce flash test d anglais correspond à un niveau B1+

There are lots of expressions in English with laugh.
Match the expressions to the correct explanations below.

Test d anglais
1 a laughing stock
2 to be no laughing matter
3 to laugh all the way to the bank
4 he who laughs last, laughs longest
5 to be laughing on the other side of one’s face
6 to laugh someone/something out of court

___ to dismiss someone’s ideas or suggestions as ridiculous
___ used when you are angry about the thing that is making someone happy and think that something will soon happen to upset them
___ someone who does something very stupid which makes other people laugh at them
___ if someone does something bad, that person may feel satisfaction, but the victim will feel even more satisfaction if they get revenge on the offender
___ something serious that people should not make jokes about
___ to make a lot of money easily, often when someone else has been stupid


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A propos de l'auteur

Olivier Haquet
Olivier est le dirigeant et fondateur d'ADomLingua, société spécialisée dans le domaine des langues. Groupe fondé il y a 10 ans avec une orientation résolument qualitative et une offre en formation linguistique de plus en plus variée. Avant tout entrepreneur et de culture internationale, Olivier a, après un début de carrière aux USA , eté associé à différents projets et startups.

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