Test d anglais B2 – A study of expressions with go

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Ce flash test d anglais correspond à un niveau B2+

There are lots of expressions with go as a noun and a verb.
Match the expressions to these definitions:

Test d anglais
1 a go-getter
2 all systems go
3 be on the go
4 be the way to go
5 don’t even go there
6 give it a go
7 there you go
8 pay as you go

_____________________ used to say that everything is ready for something to begin
_____________________ Hooray! You did it right!
_____________________ used to say that you do not want to think or talk about something because it is too difficult or unpleasant
_____________________ someone who has a lot of energy and confidence and wants to succeed
_____________________ be the best or most suitable decision, option, or method
_____________________ try something, especially something with which one has little or no experience
_____________________ be very busy
_____________________ pay for purchases immediately instead of deferring payment


Complete these sentences with the expressions above:

1 The website is up and we have a full stock of products. It’s ______________________.
2 I’ve ___________________________________ all day. I am really tired.
3 Helen has numerous businesses and is always coming up with new ideas. She’s a real ________________________.
4 “Have you ever played tennis before?” “No, but I would like to ___________________.”
5 “How are you getting on with your boss these days?” “___________________________. I just don’t want to talk about it.”
6 Just copy what I am doing. ________________________________, you did it perfectly.


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A propos de l'auteur

Olivier Haquet
Olivier est le dirigeant et fondateur d'ADomLingua, société spécialisée dans le domaine des langues. Groupe fondé il y a 10 ans avec une orientation résolument qualitative et une offre en formation linguistique de plus en plus variée. Avant tout entrepreneur et de culture internationale, Olivier a, après un début de carrière aux USA , eté associé à différents projets et startups.

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